AMD FX-8150: Bulldozer on the bench table - X264 Benchmark HD 3.0

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X264 Benchmark HD 3.0

Software to measure CPU performance using x264 video encoding.


In this benchmark, we can see a really good score on 2nd Run, it is in fact higher than the Intel i7-2600K, but the difference in 1st Run rather reverses and does mark a step backward. We can however say that the overall performance is very similar, making an average, to the Intel reference.


At a frequency of 4 GHz, one can observe that while in the 2nd Pass maintains a degree of advantage with the 1100T and loses a little something towards 2600K, in the 1st pass once again we see how the CPU with Thuban architecture is forward, albeit little.


Handbrake 0.9.5


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